Redefining Fitness—Why 66 Vital Motions Matter

Moving different in Fitness

As a Fellow of Applied Functional Science with The Gray Institute, I’ve had the privilege of exploring the human body in ways that transcend traditional fitness philosophies. The commercial fitness industry has long emphasized the importance of exercise, but there’s a critical element that’s often overlooked—variety in movement. At Tony Cress Training Center, we integrate this concept deeply into our training approach, ensuring that every client experiences the full spectrum of human movement.

The Importance of Challenging Your Body

We often hear about the need to challenge our bodies to see results, but what does that really mean? It’s not just about lifting heavier weights or running faster. It’s about engaging your body in diverse ways to promote adaptability. If you consistently perform the same exercises or move your body in the same patterns, it will adapt to those specific demands. While this might sound beneficial, it can lead to something far less desirable—stagnation.

Your body is incredibly smart; it learns and adapts quickly to what you ask of it. If your movement patterns are limited—say, you spend most of your day sitting—your body will adapt to that position. This is why, after sitting for 7-10 hours a day, standing up, walking, or running can feel uncomfortable or even painful. Your muscles and joints have become accustomed to the seated position, making other movements challenging.

Why Movement Variety is Crucial

At Tony Cress Training Center, we believe that to change the way you move, you must change the way you move. It sounds simple, but it’s a profound shift in thinking for many. The philosophy we embrace, grounded in the principles of Applied Functional Science, is that movement should be dynamic, three-dimensional, and reflective of real-life activities.

We use a variety of tools and methods to challenge your body in different ways. This might include kettlebells, suspension trainers, free weights, and bodyweight exercises. Each tool is selected not just for its physical challenge but for its ability to engage different planes of motion and functional patterns. By doing so, we help your body learn to move in ways it’s not accustomed to, fostering resilience and reducing the risk of injury.

Differentiating Tony Cress Training Center

What sets Tony Cress Training Center apart from other gyms is our commitment to movement quality over quantity. We don’t just focus on burning calories or building muscle—those are byproducts of a deeper, more meaningful approach. Our training is designed to improve your movement literacy, ensuring that your body can handle whatever life throws at it.

We also emphasize individualized programming. No two bodies are the same, so why should your workout be identical to the person next to you? We assess how you move, identify any limitations or asymmetries, and tailor your training to address those specific needs. This personalized approach ensures that your body is not just challenged, but challenged in ways that are most beneficial to you.

The Benefits of Applied Functional Science

The benefits of this type of training are vast. By incorporating a wide range of movements and tools, we help you develop strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance—all of which are essential for overall health and well-being. More importantly, we prepare your body for the movements it needs to perform in everyday life, from bending down to pick up your child to reaching for something on a high shelf.

Incorporating the principles of Applied Functional Science into your fitness routine means embracing a philosophy that prioritizes movement efficiency, injury prevention, and longevity. It’s about making sure your body doesn’t just survive your workout but thrives in your daily life.


If you’ve been feeling stuck in your fitness routine or are experiencing discomfort in your daily movements, it might be time to reassess how you’re training. Remember, your body adapts to what you challenge it with—so make sure you’re challenging it in the right ways. At Tony Cress Training Center, we’re here to help you do just that. By embracing the principles of Applied Functional Science, you can unlock new potential in your body and enjoy a life of movement that’s as varied and dynamic as you are.